Legend of the
Outlaw Mage


Project Length: 6 Months

Team Size: 19

Developed in Unreal 4


I was a Co-Producer for the 19-person team that developed Legend of the Outlaw Mage.

• Created schedules for each milestone based on developer ability and demands of the project, resulting in definitive deliverables with little to no bottlenecks or blockers.

• Facilitated communication between the various specialties of the team, including an outsourced audio team, resulting in a unified vision of the game between all team members.

• Tracked tasks and bugs through JIRA and created informative charts showing the project's velocity, resulting in an evident understanding of how quickly tasks were being completed and how much work still needed to be done.

• Set up Risk Analysis charts by communicating with the leads on which tasks they felt were most concerned with and created ways to navigate through the inherent risks, resulting in discovering key mitigation strategies and setting up contingencies to quickly pivot in case issues began to halt progress.

• Delivered presentations to stakeholders for pitches, milestone meetings, and market analysis reports, resulting in clear communication and expectations with stakeholders for the project.

  • Milestone Deliverable Document

    On sprint planning days, the lead team would write out the tasks for the upcoming milestone and write out what was needed to complete those tasks for this sprint. My co-producer and I would then collect their signatures to show we were in agreement and present them to our stakeholder. We would negotiate the promised features with our stakeholders to ensure all sides were satisfied with the promised level of content and workload before beginning the sprint.

  • Milestone Risk Assessment Chart

    While planning out each milestone, the lead team would voice which tasks concerned them the most. We would then assess how severe the risk is and how likely it was to occur. Then we would plan out ways to mitigate the risks and create contingency strategies in case the risk became an issue.

  • Schedule Plan

    For each milestone, we set up a sprint calendar and plotted out when certain assets needed to be completed by. This allowed for bottlenecks to be identified and prioritized in the development to prevent them from occurring as the project continued.